Master IT-Engineering - Smart Manufacturing

The programme's contents

If you want to deepen your knowledge obtained in your bachelor's degree course with a technical and scientific challenge, you may decide for a 3 or 4 semester programme (depending on your prerequesites) in IT Engineering at FH Wedel in order to obtain a master's degree. Most students need more semesters than this minimum, because our curriculum is rather challenging.

Our master's programme enables you to carry out scientific work and provides you with deep theoretical and analytical skills. You will acquire the techniques to enable you to solve complex problems. You will become acquainted with challenging application fields such as medical engineering, robotics and modern industrial methods (4.0). All of the incomings will take some IT, engineering, and integrating courses. We offer two specialization tracks which you may decide for after the first semester: IT & Security and Smart Manufacturing. For the detailed course programme, confer below to the schedule.


Click on picture for enlargement and to also see the courses offered for a start in winter semester (October 1st) for the 3 term (bachelor's degree with 210 ECTS) and 4 term enduring study programme (bachelor's degree with 180 ECTS).

Übersicht Master IT Engineering - Smart Manufacturing

For more information concernig the appication and your stay in Germany, please visit the following pages:

Admission criteria

Arriving in Wedel
Profile of FH Wedel
IT Engineering International Students' Guide


Prof. Carsten Burmeister is your academic partner during your studies with focus on Smart Manufacturing

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Carsten Burmeister

Mrs. Anja Behrends is your first contact before arrival and supports you during your application.

After your arrival in Wedel the International Office is your partner for all questions concerning your relocation.

Portrait von  Samantha Lauenstein