Master IT-Engineering - IT Systems and Security

The programme's contents

In our master's programme IT Engineering, you will acquire advanced skills in computer science and engineering. During the winter semester you will receive further tuition in the fields of dynamical systems, distributed systems, embedded systems, and medical engineering. During the summer semester you will have the choice between more computer science-oriented subjects, such as algorithmics and IT security, and engineering subjects, such as technical optics and modern production methods. Other possible choices are robotics, which combines computer science and engineering, and business intelligence, which will let you gain leadership competence. You are free to choose which subjects you want to focus on - computer science, engineering, or both.

At the end of your studies you will possess an advanced skill set which can be applied to all application domains. You will also have obtained specialised knowledge in some selected areas of application.


Click on picture for enlargement and to also see the courses offered for a start in winter semester (October 1st) for the 3 term (bachelor's degree with 210 ECTS) and 4 term enduring study programme (bachelor's degree with 180 ECTS).

Übersicht Master IT Engineering - IT Systems and Security (M.Sc.)

For more information concernig the appication and your stay in Germany, please visit the following pages:

Admission criteria

Arriving in Wedel
Profile of FH Wedel
IT Engineering International Students' Guide


Prof. Sebastian Iwanowski is your academic partner during your studies with focus on IT Systems and Security

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski

Mrs. Anja Behrends is your first contact before arrival and supports you during your application.

After your arrival in Wedel the International Office is your partner for all questions concerning your relocation.

Portrait von  Samantha Lauenstein