
The master's degree of IT-Engineering is currently our only course offered in English. It is aimed at international and national students. 
You can specialize in one of the two focus areas Smart Manufacturing or IT Systems & Security

International applicants without a German higher education entrance qualification will first need to go through Germany’s international student application service uni-assist (or APS, if you are from China, Vietnam or India). If you have a the Preliminary Verification Documentation (VPD) from uni-assist and your GPA is lower (better) than 3.0, you can apply to FH Wedel. We advise you to allow several weeks for the uni-assist process before you can apply at FH Wedel.

You apply via our Bewerberportal. You can change the language in the upper right corner.

  • International students: Please select the program "IT Engineering for Internationals" to provide us with your personal data and your VPD.
  • National students: Please choose the program "IT Engineering".


Application Process for International Students

1. You select "IT Engineering for Internationals" and provide us with your data. 

2. You send the application in to FH Wedel. 

3. We will check your documents and you receice an offer for a place to study at FH Wedel.

4. You can accept the offer by transferring the tuition fee for the first semester.

5. You receive a confirmation and a conclusion of the contract which you can use for your visa application.

6. You start studying at FH Wedel - we are looking forward!

If you have any question about this process, you may apply to Prof. Sebastian Iwanowski. If you have any question during your application using the portal, you may apply to Mrs. Anja Behrends.