Tcl/Tk  Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt FH Wedel

Die Datei: setopt.tcl

# $Id: setopt.tcl,v 1.1 1996/08/26 15:24:57 uwe Exp $
# setopt evaluates optional arguments of a proc
# assumptions: proc has variable parameter list args as last parameter
# if proc is called with option -<opt> <value>
# setopt <opt> <default> searches args for -<opt> and defines variable <opt>
# if option is given with <value> else
# if option is given in a global variable globaloptions with that value
# else with the default value <val>
# example:
# proc p args {
# setopt o 42
# return $o
# }
# p -o 43 -> 43
# p -> 42
proc setopt {opt val} {
upvar $opt var
upvar args args
set pos [lsearch -exact $args "-$opt"]
if [expr $pos >= 0] {
set pos1 [expr $pos + 1]
set var [lindex $args $pos1]
set args [lreplace $args $pos $pos1]
global globaloptions
if [info exists globaloptions] {
set pos [lsearch -exact $globaloptions "-$opt"]
if [expr $pos >= 0] {
set pos1 [expr $pos + 1]
set var [lindex $globaloptions $pos1]
set var $val

Die Quelle: setopt.tcl

Letzte Änderung: 31.01.2005
© Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt FH Wedel