# Copyright (c): Uwe Schmidt, FH Wedel # # You may study, modify and distribute this source code # FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY. # This copyright message has to remain unchanged. # # Note that this document is provided 'as is', # WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind either expressed or implied. SRC = List.c TESTS = include ../rules.mk help : ##all_variants ## make all_variants targets ## for normal version: all ## without debug: ndebug ## and for iterative versions: iterative all_variants : $(MAKE) clean all $(MAKE) clean macros $(MAKE) clean iterative $(MAKE) clean dups $(MAKE) clean sorted $(MAKE) clean sorteddups $(MAKE) clean iterativesorted $(MAKE) clean iterativesorteddups all : asm $(TESTS) ##ass ## assembler examples asm : $(MAKE) $(OASS) $(O2ASS) CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DMACROS=1 -DNDEBUG=1' ##ndebug ## compile without assertions ndebug : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DNDEBUG=1' ##macros ## compile with macros and without assertions macros : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DMACROS=1 -DNDEBUG=1' ##iterative ## compile with iterative functions iterative : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DNDEBUG=1 -DITERATIVE=1' ##duplicates ## compile with duplictes dups : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DDUPLICATES=1' ##sorted ## compile for sorted linked list sorted : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DSORTED=1' ##sorteddups ## compile for sorted linked list with duplicates sorteddups : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DSORTED=1 -DDUPLICATES' ##iterativesorted ## compile iterative versions for sorted linked list iterativesorted : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DSORTED=1 -DITERATIVE=1' ##iterativesorteddups ## compile iterative versions for sorted linked list with duplicates iterativesorteddups : $(MAKE) all CCFLAGS='$(CCFLAGS) -DSORTED=1 -DITERATIVE=1 -DITERATIVE=1'