Research fields of Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski

German website

My research interests can be arranged into two long-term projects which I have already started while I have been being employed at Daimler. In the meantime, I am cooperating in these fields with various Hamburg companies.

Even though the projects are introduced with practical examples, I am still interested in problems and questions going beyond this:

Besides traffic navigation, I am interested in all problems of computer science concerning traffic, further in all problems of logistics.

Besides the tourist information system, I am interested in all problems of flexible modeling of content.

Students sharing my interests and willing to work with me are invited to contact me. The same holds for interested industrial partners.

Interest in certain fields is always supported by enthusiasm carried by certain people. While I always hope that a lot of students and industrial partners share my interest in my favorite domains, I invite them to let me participate in their enthusiasm for their favorites. Being a mathematician by education, I am open for all fundamental and systematical questions and answers. Being an employee who has been working on a lot of practical problems for many years and is now working at a university of applied sciences, I am always interested to promote practical implementations.